
Showing posts from May, 2022

Child Labour Painting

 Art work is  portraying child labour and addressing his right of education.  Nahiya Haider Gilani 5-Green

Equality Painting

  Equality painting  This artwork portrays that looks don’t matter. Everyone is equal and unique in their own way.  Mariam Khan  5-Green

Pop Art- Asma Jahangir

  Pop Art-Asma Jahangir  This painting represents Asma Jahangir, a famous human rights activist and lawyer who bravely and courageously stood up for the rights of women.  Eshaal Malik 5-Green

Bird house model

  Lets give them a house -the Sparrows of Lahore My topic for exhibition is 'art and activism' and my inspiration came from the information that April 2022 was the hottest April after 122 years in Lahore and India. I have noticed many birds especially sparrows wander around looking for a safe shelter and water. The industrialization of the past two centuries has affected the planet is many harmful ways. One of which is reduction of forests and trees due to deforestation or fires. This causes the climate to change due to change in temperatures and increased carbon dioxide levels in our atmosphere. Many species of birds have become endangered or gone extinct due to loss of their natural habitats. This exposes them to predators and other elements that cause harm to them. For example, in cities the population of common sparrows has decreased because there are less and less trees (as we build more houses and buildings) for them to hide. They then fall prey to bigger birds like eagle

Comic Strip (ICT)

  Comic Strip (English Integration)  It shows how both artists and activists play an important role in bringing about change socially, politically and environmentally in society. Eshaal Malik 5-Green 

Newspaper Article (English)

  Newspaper Article (English Integration)  Pakistani artists raised funds for Shahid Afridi Foundation to spread education, health care services and access to water all across Pakistan.  Eshaal Malik  5-Green

Comic Strip (ICT)

Comic Strip (ICT) Spreads the message about how different activists play an important role for the next generation. Also talks about how famous activists like Muniba Muzari have raised awareness in the society.  Raheen Naseer  5-Green   

Bird cage (mathematics integration)

 Bird cage (mathematics integration)  This unique math project is built with straws to emphasise on angles and tessellations.  Raheen Naseer  5-Green

Guest speaker: Shahid Mahmood Nadeem

 Guest Speaker: Shahid Nadeem Online session with a guest speaker, Shahid Mahmood Nadeem, a Pakistani journalist, playwright, screenwriter, theatre, and television director and a human rights activist. 

Guest speaker: Fatima Salman

  Guest Speaker: Fatima Salman  Live session with a guest speaker, Fatima Salman, a visual artists who uses elephants as a metaphor in her paintings. 

Guest speaker: Laura Avila Tacsan

  Guest Speaker: Laura Avila Tacsan  Online session with a guest speaker, Laura Avila Tacsan, a Costa Rican movie producer based in Los Angeles.

Famous activists painting

 This is a painting of famous activists that have stood up for human rights across the world. This painting includes Muniba Muzari, Asma Jahangir, Malala Yousafzai, Martin Luther King JR, Gandhi and Quaid-e-Azam. They are all famous people who stood up and raised awareness to bring about social, political and environmental change. Malala stood up for girls’ right to education. Asma Jahangir was a human rights activist and lawyer. Quaid-e-Azam gave independence Muslims. Martin Luther stood up for the rights of black lives and African Americans. Gandhi was an Indian lawyer. Finally, Muniba Muzari  is a Pakistani activist, anchor, artist, singer, model and motivational speaker. Raheen Naseer  5-Green

Add your voice model

Add your voice model About this project:  5 jars are placed on a thermopore sheet. The 1st jar represents healthy food. 2nd depicts clean water. 3rd spreads the message of healthy lifestyle. 4th represents conserving energy and the last one depicts recycling items. The project is made. Now the school community will interact and contribute into this project. Students can put provided paper pieces based on the color in the relevant jars according to their preference and personal opinion about what is most important for a healthy ecosystem. A healthy ecosystem is very important, but now the real question is what is most important foe a healthy ecosystem?  Eshaal Malik  5-Green  Add your voice model About this project:  5 jars are placed on a thermopore sheet. The 1st jar represents healthy food. 2nd depicts clean water. 3rd spreads the message of healthy lifestyle. 4th represents conserving energy and the last one depicts recycling items. The project is made. Now the school community will

Stop bullying model

  Stop Bullying Model: This is a model I made. It represents that people all around the world are being bullied which is not good for their mental or physical health. Bullying can hurt people emotionally, physically, and in their work. It can result in fear, anxiety, and low self-esteem. People who get bullied may be afraid to go anywhere. They may withdraw from others and get depressed. So to raise awareness and resolve this one serious issue in the world, I decided to make an art piece depicting the issue to take action in a different way.  In my artwork, you can see a woman. There are a few sticky notes with negative comments. It depicts that the woman is getting bullied because people are passing on rude statements about her.  I have asked a few of my family members to write bad comments.  Now, the school community will contribute. We will give them sticky notes on which they can write bad comments and they can paste it on this art piece.  Eshaal Malik  5-Green

Wall of Positivity 3D Model

  Wall of Positivity:   I have made a wall of positivity. It contains different colored envelopes ✉️ which have unique, positive messages that will boost others confidence and it will inspire people to take community action.  This positivity wall is a display of positive images, quotes, and affirmations in your home or workplace. The purpose of this wall of positivity is to give you a visual focus for your life. That way, you'll have a selection of inspiring images to look at when you feel depressed or unmotivated. After all, it’s easier to think more positively when you are faced with visual reminders of what makes you feel good.  We now know that positive thinking supports brain growth and encourages the reinforcement of new synapses. In other words, focusing on the positive rather than the negative is not only good for your mental wellbeing, it’s also good for your physical health.  Eshaal Malik 5-Green

Introduction and Important Information

For the PYP Exhibition, 2022, Art and Activism is one of the group’s topic. Now here’s a brief introduction to our global issue.  Art and activism is a medium used to express ourselves and our opinions, cultures, beliefs, values etc. When we think beyond ourselves, it is extremely important to be open-minded and internationally minded towards others perspectives and religion. We can express ourselves and convey messages using performing and visual arts.  Art influences society by changing opinions, instilling values and translating experiences across space and time. Research has shown art affects the fundamental sense of self. Painting, sculpture, music, literature and other forms of art are often considered to be the repository of a society’s collective memory. Art in this sense is commuication. Art is often a vehicle for social change. A song, film or novel can rouse emotions in those who encounter it, inspiring them to rally for change.  The ideas of expressing ourselves and conveyi