
Equality Painting

  Equality painting  This artwork portrays that looks don’t matter. Everyone is equal and unique in their own way.  Mariam Khan  5-Green

Pop Art- Asma Jahangir

  Pop Art-Asma Jahangir  This painting represents Asma Jahangir, a famous human rights activist and lawyer who bravely and courageously stood up for the rights of women.  Eshaal Malik 5-Green

Bird house model

  Lets give them a house -the Sparrows of Lahore My topic for exhibition is 'art and activism' and my inspiration came from the information that April 2022 was the hottest April after 122 years in Lahore and India. I have noticed many birds especially sparrows wander around looking for a safe shelter and water. The industrialization of the past two centuries has affected the planet is many harmful ways. One of which is reduction of forests and trees due to deforestation or fires. This causes the climate to change due to change in temperatures and increased carbon dioxide levels in our atmosphere. Many species of birds have become endangered or gone extinct due to loss of their natural habitats. This exposes them to predators and other elements that cause harm to them. For example, in cities the population of common sparrows has decreased because there are less and less trees (as we build more houses and buildings) for them to hide. They then fall prey to bigger birds like eagle

Comic Strip (ICT)

  Comic Strip (English Integration)  It shows how both artists and activists play an important role in bringing about change socially, politically and environmentally in society. Eshaal Malik 5-Green 

Newspaper Article (English)

  Newspaper Article (English Integration)  Pakistani artists raised funds for Shahid Afridi Foundation to spread education, health care services and access to water all across Pakistan.  Eshaal Malik  5-Green

Comic Strip (ICT)

Comic Strip (ICT) Spreads the message about how different activists play an important role for the next generation. Also talks about how famous activists like Muniba Muzari have raised awareness in the society.  Raheen Naseer  5-Green